
  1. Purble Place Comfy Cakes Online
  2. Purble Place Comfy Cakes Online

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  1. Purble Place هي عبارة عن مجموعة من ألعاب الذكاء المخصصة للأطفال تعمل على أجهزة الكمبيوتر ، تتألف Purble Place من ثلاثة ألعاب صغيرة هي (Purble Pairs ، Comfy Cakes ، Purble Shop) تعرض صوراً ورسومات جميلة الهدف منها مساعدة الأطفال على تدريبهم وتنشيط.
  2. Comfy Cakes by Purble Place The software game is called Comfy Cakes by Purble Place and we chose to do an evaluation due to the fact that we feel this would be engaging for children. This game is located in the games folder if you have Windows XP or upgraded version.


  • Windows
  • English
Oberon Media


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Purble place haciendo pasteles con comfy cakes

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Purble Place Comfy Cakes Online

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Purble Place Comfy Cakes Online

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